Good morning world. It’s TGIF!!!!! I had a good week cant complain, im still here tho. Didn’t plan much for the weekend, but to take s.o.s out for dinner for his bday. And oh yeah , I want to thank god for allowing me to be here as well as my family and friends. My dead beat baby daddy called me and curse me out, when his ass haven’t seen his son in 3 1/2 yrs,,,WOW!!!! He still hasn’t grown up. I’m not going to let him ruin my train of thought; he's just an extra person that i added on my prayers list. Peace be with his dead beat ass!!!!. This year will be a prosperous year for me. IM GOING TO BE RICH, I WILL OWN MY FIRST HOME,, FINANCIALLY ESTABLISH MY MOTHER ,, ALL MY BROTHERS AND MY SON . I will start traveling to different places. I will do poetry full time. I will be Rich. Money will flow excessively to me. i will purchase cars for my brothers. I WILL MAKE AN IMPACT ON THE WHOLE WORLD 2011 and beyond. Everything I do will have a major positive ef...
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