Today was a great day. Work was pretty busy, but hey I got thru it. Can’t complain. I looked on line for a used car in my area. I narrowed my search down to a Toyota solara, at least less than 10 yrs old, I would like to get it FOR FREE. I am attracting that into my life now. This is the last week before 2011. This yr was ok for me,,,it was a blessing, as well. I’m ready for 2011. My new yrs  resolution is to remain well grounded, SPIRITUALLY. I can’t wait to get my car; @ least I wouldn’t be bugging anyone for help. Im tired of searching online, so im gonna rest my eyes for tomorrow. I will have a great day, in fact a splendid one at it. My income taxes are coming soon. I will get a good amount back to get my 60 inch flat screen tv for the living room, time for an upgrade. Whooopeeee, yeah me.  And put the rest to my emergency savings. 2011 will be even a better yr for me. So im looking forward to it. ---tata
---sincerly---i hate being home bound :x


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